Quote Originally Posted by Kish View Post
I don't think Dan actually means "Tedd cannot put her hands on a magic detection wand even if she desperately wants to" to be a plot point.

On an unrelated note, I don't suppose anyone knows a simple way to enable my browser to filter out the commentary section, so I can see the comic but not the text below it.

(Do I dare be optimistic that no wit will respond with something about self-control, as though that could stop my eyes from picking up words at first glance even if I consciously focused them on the comic as soon as the page loaded.)
You have various options.

If you are OK with addons, you can install AdBlock, right click on the page, select "block an ad in this page", bring your mouse right below "Commentary", which should highlight the whole block, and click. The addon will ask you if you want to block
id="news" >
say yes. I've tried it out now, and it works sitewide.

If you don't want to install an addon, and if your screen isn't so large that it can show both page and text, you can open the website in a background tab and wait for a few seconds, until it's finished loading, after which you can just scroll until the page is over and close the tab without having seen the commentary.

I can understand not wanting to read the text: I also don't want to. The comic has its strength, but it also is already sufficiently exasperating about explaining every little detail, and commentary makes it even worse.