Quote Originally Posted by NigelWalmsley View Post
That only means you can't cast it as a Cleric of a Good god. Relying on the alignment tags assigned to various things as any kind of morality is a path that leads only to madness. Also, it's not like you have to animate human (or even intelligent) corpses. Hard to see how "zombie bear" represents any great moral violation.
The books are pretty clear that casting [Evil] spells is an Evil act. D&D has objective material morality, which means doing Evil actively makes the world a worst place to be in, and contains creatures that are physically composed of manifest Evil.

I like how you're trying to describe "I can spend twice as many spell slots to solve a problem" as a win for Fireball. Your whole post is basically "how contrived can I get away with my examples being", but that really takes the cake.
Stinking cloud in the example doesn't actually solve the problem, though. It makes the problem easier to solve.