
Zara chuckles. Skewed from Sophie's perspective, maybe, but not hers. "Well, those people aren't me. Killing isn't what they're best at." She smiles wider, at the river. "Yes, I'm good at tending to children, at hunting monsters, at drawing." She quickly adds, just in case Sophie wants to bring that up. "That doesn't change the fact that I'm best at killing. That I like it doesn't mean I have to do it all the time. If I killed you... assuming I could, that is... I'd lose any future opportunities to speak with you, like this." How pragmatic! It also shows that she likes Sophie. Anyone that works with kids is okay in her book.

Even those that train them to kill, unfortunately... although she doesn't see it as unfortunate.

The smile falls, a little bit. "Something worries me, though... I have to tell my girlfriend. I can't not tell her. She'll probably leave me, but she needs to know the truth." She's come to like her girlfriend so much that despite the perpetual smile and the cold eyes, there's a bit of worry that leaks through. "Maybe I should break up with her, pre-emptively. It might be easier for her." She adds with a whisper. "And for me."