Roma, being a big badass hulk-wolf, takes up the rear on the logic that if someone gets behind them she can probably take whatever sneak attack comes after them.

This leaves the squishier members of the group in the middle.

...You're not meeting much in the way of resistance, however. Eventually, you come to a fork. On one side, there is what is clearly a very large elevator. You've never been up there.

In the other direction... It's where the laboratories where you've been tested are, but there are other rooms that none of you have been in, either. You distinctly remember doors being labeled.

"Physical Examinations."




"Power Testing."

"Surgical Theatre."


There's a ventilation system in the area, too.

None of you have been in the surgical theatre or storage.

...So, do we make a break for it or do we try to raid the labs?