Quote Originally Posted by ZenHeathen View Post
I've always wondered why there are half-elves and half-orcs, but no half-dwarves.
In the cosmology of my game world, it is because of the gods.

The creator gods of the dwarf, gnome, goliath and halfling species take an active role in the development of their creations. Part of their influence is that those races don't interbreed with anything. The gods are, essentially, maintaining the "purity" or "integrity" of their creations (which of those words someone in the game uses will tell you a lot about their attitudes to diversity).

The gods of the elves don't take any responsibility, for anything. They don't spend any effort looking after the race (their time is spent partying and attempting, umm, "intimacy" with anything that moves). Even the creation of the elven race was an accident. Elven gods are the personification of the term "chaotic".

Humans have a problem in that their creator gods are missing (murdered many thousands of years ago). With no god maintining the species, all sorts of strange things have crept into the bloodline - genasi, tieflings, aasimar, half-elves, and half-orcs.

The orc race has something called the Blessing of Luthic. Orcs can interbreed with almost anything (which gets squicky very quickly). Orc-human and orc-elf pairings produce half-orcs (using the PHB statistics for both types of children).

Some human and elven societies have immense hatred for half-breeds; some don't. The childhood of a half-orc, half-elf or planetouched could range anywhere from "despised scum" all the way to "loved and cherished child" (so, to be fair, could the childhood of anyone in the world).

Aaracokra and dragonborn are biologically different, so interbreeding is impossible (dragonborn aren't even mammalian).