[Lakeside Walk]

Oh hey hugs.

Hugs are pretty great.

Geneva hugs Sekhmet back and laughs.

"Cults aren't illegal here?" she guesses. "Provided they aren't doing anything illegal. Like kidnapping and murder. If they are then Intersection deals with them like they would deal with any organized criminal element."

Dispensing justice, mostly.

Super simple.

Geneva frowns a bit, then brings up another topic.

"Sekhmet when you just... walked off through the gate back at the lab I was really worried. You weren't acting under your own volition. During the synchronize I could tell you've got quite a bit of mental potential, but most of it is completely undeveloped. You have power but no way to protect yourself. I think it might be a good time to start those psionics lessons I promised. Starting with the most important lesson-"

She pounds a fist into her palm.

"Mental defense."