[Lakeside Sit?]

Hopefully Sekhmet isn't heating up the rock Geneva is on. She wouldn't want to cook her friend.

"Everyone reacts to psychic attacks a little differently,"
Geneva explains. "So that dizziness you felt might be how your mind is informing you that you're under attack."


It's something right?

"So, we're going to try this again," Geneva says, reaching up to place her fingers on her temple again. "When you feel that dizzy feeling, I want you try to reject the sensation that follows it. You already know that it isn't real. You just need to convince your brain that it isn't real, too."


Vertigo and-

Maybe the taste of raspberries?

How many tries will it take for Sekhmet to figure this out?

It's probably worth noting that Geneva is tossing her a softball here. There isn't much strength behind this psychic assault.