Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post

Tvtropes automatically adds spaces when a word is camel-cased

So McDonald automatically becomes Mc Donald.
To reprise my editor role,
I'm pretty sure you want "medically" in pint-sized powerhouse, not medially. She's not in the middle of anything.
Well, besides magicing.

Also, it's "mnemonic," (as in, based on memories/patterns), not "memonic."

Sanguimancy and Sanguimancer are the more proper terms, I believe, rather than Sanguinmancy. In addition, it should cause extreme bloodthirst, instead of extreme bloodthirsty, and loathe has an e. Also, the puppets sure do have power relating to blood.

Bloody Murder has double-capitalized IT's, which I do enough to know how frustrating it is. Also "as stabbed" instead of "was stabbed."

Under Shout Out, "which as described is" in the first example should have is and as switched.
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