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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Somewhere in Utah...

    Default Re: The most dangerous question: What do you want?

    Quote Originally Posted by Worldsong View Post
    They're in my signature now so I don't have to keep searching for them.

    And yes they don't explicitly state that, however I think that combined they paint a pretty clear picture: for The Giant the Order of the Stick is in part about how creatures like goblins get treated like monsters and how that's bad.

    Now I can't think of any quote from The Giant which 100% states that goblins routinely have gotten their **** kicked in from the dawn of time for no reason. However I do personally feel like these two quotes combined hint towards it strongly enough that I can stick with the idea until The Giant himself proves otherwise.

    It is possible that we get a massive twist and everything is different but I find that very, very unlikely.
    That basic message has already been demonstrated several times in the comic. I think it would remain intact if it turned out that goblins have in fact always been treated as equal by the gods, that the Dark One originally started a bloody war of conquest because he simply wanted to take the PC races' stuff, and that he concocted the whole "my entire race was created to be XP fodder" lie merely to justify taking what he wanted.

    Also notice the way Redcloak presents the idea: in order to prevent another Snarl the gods agreed to limit their powers of interference outside their own territories to their clerics and then realized after a while that the clerics needed easy encounters to gain XP and so created the goblinoids. This works fine if Stickworld was the second world created and the gods found out an unexpected limitation to the new "clerics only" rules and then had to correct it. But we know now that literally millions of earlier worlds were created. Have the gods really used the same solution of "create sentient races as disposable XP fodder for our clerics" every time?
    Last edited by Jason; 2020-08-17 at 02:49 PM.