"Look, I'm gonna be honest? I ain't no Superhero and I don't recall seeing any of y'all running around in skin-tight spandex busting heads in the paper."

"Superheroes are silly. Very few of them wear clothes that protect them, so why do they bother at all?"

"I was in Manhattan when that Spider-Disease went down and... Huh? Anyway, I know how this works and this is above our pay grade. Our best bet is to get the Hell out of here and like, try to call the X-Men or the Avengers or whoever and let the professionals deal with this..."

...Is anyone here a mutant? From what I know, Apocalypse mostly deals with Mutants.

"Suzie was engineered with the genes of multiple mutants and mutates in addition to several Skrulls and Kree soldiers."

I'm pretty sure I'm a Hulk.