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Thread: Trog's Tavern CLIV

  1. - Top - End - #991
    Ogre in the Playground
    Hattish Thing's Avatar

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    Sep 2011
    writhing about

    Default Re: Trog's Tavern CLIV

    Unfortunately for the newcomer, the woman's bright yellow hair has attracted the attention of a wicked little creature sitting at the bar. No, not a "creature", a woman - clad all in grimy, mismatched clothing.
    She's smaller in stature, somewhere around four and a half feet, yet she carries herself as if the largest thing in the room. All confidence, there.

    With a toothy grin, the colorful goblin waves. Each finger ends in a painted fingernail sharp enough to act as a claw.

    She's gesturing for the woman to approach!


    Spoiler: Colorful Goblin
    Last edited by Hattish Thing; 2020-08-20 at 09:50 AM.