Quote Originally Posted by DataNinja View Post
That's just reminding me that my players in some of my tabletop groups were poking light-hearted fun at me for lacking significant male representation, because I tend to default new characters to being a woman if there's no particular inspiration to do otherwise. Oops. XD
Quote Originally Posted by Anonymouswizard View Post
That's fine, I used to do the terrible terrible opposite. [ignore ignore] .
Y'all tried developing semi_random NPC generating tables to help with this? I highly recommend it. Can feed some really good creativity in making the random fit into the world (and off course the tables get tweaked as needed)

Excel with a random integer pull from list on separate sheet is a really good easy way to set these up. (so one sheet is your rack of options each of which pulls randomly from a list a second sheet is just a set of those ists) Can just drop new adjusted lists for things like ethnicity, gender balance (so have a list of 100 say, and the number of lines with "male" equals your chance of a male figure filling the roll...which may be 50 in some situations but more or less in others...plus you can toss in non-binaries and notes as suits your fancy), eye colour, hair, hair style...