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Thread: Trog's Tavern CLIV

  1. - Top - End - #1017
    Ogre in the Playground
    Hattish Thing's Avatar

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    Sep 2011
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    Default Re: Trog's Tavern CLIV

    The colorful goblin's eyes widen as Ada continues to speak. Just what in the world was she going on about? What could she possibly miss so badly? Nowadays, she made a point of avoiding getting close enough to anything, or anyone. As such, how could she possibly have something to miss? "Trch, this is a riddle, isnae it? Ah suppose ye think ye'r gey clever then, dae ye?" She scrapes at the table.

    This was becoming interesting, more interesting than she thought this evening would be. "Na, ah wull nae speil yer gam! Ainlie a fool bargains in hings whit micht nae be. Ah will nae be tricked wi' yer wordplay!"

    "Shaw me whit ye'v git, or thir's na deal! An' ye'll regret it muchsome!"
    Last edited by Hattish Thing; 2020-08-21 at 09:47 PM.