I'm sure it's no coincidence here that Redcloak sounds like... well, an awful lot of people I know who debate a problem but don't actually seem like they want to solve it so much as just make you agree with their specifically chosen method of solving it.

In my experience, that often comes because they're more attached to the particular form of the 'solution' they arrived at, than whether or not that solution is effective, achievable, or agreeable. Sort of a "my way or the high way" approach but one where they include reality itself as one of those factors that has to just get in line, instead of something they have to account for. It's just human (And I suppose goblin) to get extremely attached to an idea and not be able to give it up, even when the alternative achieves the same end state. You end up caring so much about using YOUR way of getting there, that you start becoming an obstacle to actually getting there at all and start rationalizing why the other ways to the same end "can't" work. Heck I can think of times when I've done that too - fortunately never with anything as crazy huge as this problem.