
"Not too much further,"
Morning Glory says, huffing through the smoke. "We didn't fall very far and Yezekiel is doing what she can to dig us out. The landscape will probably be pretty strange when we make it topside and there might be some dangerous things lurking around so stay on your toes."

Jade is wearing heels, Morning Glory.

She's on her toes by default.

Sure enough after reaching the next landing our heroes will be met with an awful ripping sound as something like roots and claws and hooves split the smoggy sky, causing the top of the derrick to be flooded with brilliant light. Morning Glory hops out of the hole and into-

[Celestial Garden]

-somewhere just as strange, just as alien, but not as immediately hostile. The surroundings have been tessellated into pleasing, crystalline shapes. It's recognizable as some sort of scrubby high desert landscape. Lots of low plants and sandy earth. But the plants have been warped into coiling draconic forms. Ants scurry along through the shimmering sands, appearing as impossibly tiny deer. Half-finished pillars of marrow-like chrome shed heavenly radiance, the supports for an unfinished temple. Strange, coral like growths of mushrooms abound, filling the the air with the scent of incense. Iridescent bubbles drift through the thick, almost soupy air. Morning's mane drifts as if she were underwater.

There's a distinct, overwhelming impression of something impossibly large lurking just beyond the edge of perception. Yezekiel is still here, it would seem.

Thankfully none of the wildlife seems hostile.


Morning Glory offers a hoof to Jade to pull her out of the pit.