Quote Originally Posted by Red Fel View Post
I'm thinking I'll pass on the FFBE banner. It has three Syncs, and the chance of getting one is the same as the chance of getting an Awakening, AOSB or USB, but if I don't get a Sync there is absolutely no point in these characters, and if I do... there's still no point because they get no synergy. Half price or no, I'm gonna save my mythril.
I'll do the opposite - wait for a while for the 40-Draws, and just pull on the FFBE banner. Mostly, because I also play FFBE (though mostly running the events and such), and the music is pretty awesome. (Also: really? Of all people, Sol is the Inferno MP boss? That's...like, end-of-season boss!) Before doing the pull, I checked my luck on the Daily Draw. DISCO!!

  • Gabranth's Death Sickle. That's the Dark Physical Chain 2.0, but it's a dupe, and the item isn't that great. So there's that.

With such auspicious luck, did the first half-price pull.


  • Fina's Reincarnation! This is her Sync Bow. It's Instant Cast, grants QC1 to all allies, but most importantly, it grants not one, but TWO Shields. That means you get protected from two attacks at once! Sync 1 is your big HP heal and triggers with WHM; Sync 2 is your mini-Medica, and triggers on WHM OR Support moves.
  • Fina's Clothes! This is her Awakening Light Armor, which is pretty bog-standard for a Healer Wake - WHM, grants a mini-Medica on cast, revive + Last Stand + Haste. However, it also works on Support, which is great because, as you may have noticed, Fina has SUP access, so Wrath and Entrust are in!

So, what about Fina? Well, she's built basically like Rosa in terms of skills, but has a Legend Materia and relic set-up much like Aerith (her LM2 is a mini-Medica on WHM chaser, and obviously she'll have some sort of W-Cast WHM as a LMR), so she's already a pretty solid healer. Not bad for try #1!