Riftline Transfer Station

Here's a great seat! Next to another one.

Marin bites her lip.
"I don't go frequently either," Marin replies. "Also work. But sometimes I just go out to the middle of nowhere Outside to do it, by myself." Like, she doesn't go to shooting ranges, but she does go shooting alone sometimes. "Gotta keep up practice, right?"

Bart and Hank's Cars and Parts

Marin gets off at the nearby bus stop and, after checking the address again, goes to the auto-and-junked shop.
The catgirl (purple-haired) has a purse, obviously, which is holding several things. She's wearing a silky blue turtleneck (not orange this time!) and a flowing gray skirt made of a similar material.

She recognizes Jade and waves and calls out, "Hi! Sorry I'm a little late, there was a delay at an earlier stop." She goes up to look at the parts on the shelf, immediately noticing that they're discounted. This actually might be a good place to shop at normally, too, if she didn't have to come all the way to Inside to get here.