Jade drops to her knees and screams in pain. She knows what that sensation means, but she's not sure she has the strength to reach her phone and call an ambulance.
Wait, no. Some of her old suits had medical nanite injectors. She just needs to crawl her way to the storeroom where she keeps them. Or she might have a spare lying around the lab. She crawls her way over to the suit storage. Of course the old suit won't fit anymore, she's a bit too female for that, but she just needs the injectors. She grabs the old chestplate off its rack, presses it against her gut, and triggers the device she needs. The pain of the needle is nothing compared to the creature within her. As the medical nanites begin their work of repairing the damage, Jade slumps over. She can't fight it anymore. She collapses into a fitful slumber on the storage floor.