There was a critical event going down in the deeps of the deserts. Blightspawn had been sighted, and Zora sent an entire retinue of diplomats to check out the region. Toibae was her primary diplomat, sent to sightsee the area and bring the good word of Catosaurs. Though there was more stuff going on than that so it wasn’t exactly like she’d have much opportunity.

Wyelde was decidedly not present. She was wooing the Orca and Night Elf elites to the east. Neither was Liyae, she was ****ing around doing gods-don’t-know-what in the north.

Toibae instead brought along Azim, her husband of the Ashir, riding alongside a dozen horsemen to keep their travel safe. Along with them, a small Lamia girl who was one of the princesses of the northern regions the Nocturnal Hydra were in deep discussions with. As part of their negotiations, she came along paired with a couple other lamia to help facilitate their relations with all of those within the desert, and to see if the Hydra could be trusted with this little prodigy of theirs.

(This is one of queen’s daughters, so if anything befalls her things may be rough diplomatically).

The sun was beating down on them as they arrived. Despite traveling through the night on horseback (and some on strange bird like creatures from the north nobody this far into the wastes had ever laid eyes on), they only arrived at the palace near noon. Oh well, there’d be days and days to talk with everyone and sort out negotiations.