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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Saint Paul, MN

    Default Re: Simple RAW Thread for 3.5 #35: 3/2 Score And Four Threads Ago

    Quote Originally Posted by newguydude1 View Post
    q 690

    do these 24 hours have to be consecutive uninterrupted hours or can it be spaced out across several days?

    A 690

    The rules don't say.

    Not only do the rules have nothing to say about whether finding a familiar is an activity that can be interrupted or not, they also have nothing to say about whether staying awake for 24 hours causes you to suffer fatigue. The rules do say that creatures of some creature types (such as the Humanoid type) need sleep, but they don't provide rules to determine what, if anything, you must suffer if you miss a lot of sleep.

    If staying awake for 24 hours causes you no disadvantage, then why not just perform the familiar-finding activity in 24 hours straight and get it over with? The only reason not to do this would be a house rule imposed by your dungeon master regarding fatigue from lack of sleep.

    On the other hand, the rules don't say that you can't interrupt the 24-hour activity that you must perform in order to find a familiar. They don't even specify what this activity is. Maybe it only involves sitting quietly in a wilderness area and trying to establish an Empathic Link with a wild creature. Maybe you only need to do this for one hour a day for 24 days, or for two hours a day for 12 days, or for three hours a day for eight days. The rules have nothing to say about this.

    In conclusion, all that I can advise is that you ask your dungeon master.
    Last edited by Duke of Urrel; 2020-08-30 at 09:05 PM.