Quote Originally Posted by Morty View Post
[Questing for JUSTICE!]

Fayyaad grins.

"This might be just audacious enough to work. Although we'd need to hope these bandits are-" he pauses when Cantata points out the cube. "-perhaps we should stay out of sight for now."
Quote Originally Posted by Gnrlshrimp View Post
[Questing for JUSTICE!]

As the party discuss their options, Harold and Sir Percival sit back and listen.

"Uh, yeah, neigh, we don't really know how many there are. Other than that, like, they're human-y and it took, like, three of them to get the jump on Harold and make him...you know." Let's not go over the vomiting of holy relics in detail again, for everyone's sake. "So, neigh, I don't really know what they'll think about entertainers, but-"

Then Cantata whistles.

Harold looks up at the cube. "WHY, SIR PERCIVAL, LOOK! IT'S CUBERT!"

"...neigh, what?"

"WE MUST GO SAY HELLO AT ONCE! COME, FRIENDS, THIS WAY!" Harold declares, charging off-

No, scratch that, attempting to charge off, as Sir Percival frantically intercepts. "Harold, no! Leave this to, neigh, the people I hir- we recruited! We don't even know, neigh, if it's safe!"

"Of course it's safe, Sir Percival! Here, I'll show you!" Harold mutters (still loudly), picking up a rock and tossing it quite a hefty distance up the path. Seems he's got quite the throwing arm.




Hey, what do you know? Turns out the pathway up to the fort has been trapped with some rather potent explosives. This also serves to attract the attention of the cube, which slowly rotates until a green-coloured side is facing the party. It gradually hovers over to the edge of the drawbridge, but seems reluctant to go down the path. Possibly because it's apparently trapped with explosives.
Quote Originally Posted by Ashen Lilies View Post
[Questing for JUSTICE!]

Not gonna lie, Wren is pretty startled by the explosions. These bandits seem to be a whole lot more paranoid than they expected.

"Hmmm. Suppose that plan's out, then," he says dryly, to mask his surprise. "I guess there's no use being sneaky now."

He flourishes a hand... and then flourishes it again, this time frowning crossly and shaking it a little. "How does she do it... oh, I think I've got it."

He flourishes his hand a third time, and a silvery ethereal throwing knife appears in his hand, which, if no one in the party has any objection to, he throws at the cube.

Questing for JUSTICE! - Accursed Cuberts

Cantata pivots as Harold suddenly bellows out, shocked, She tries to intercept the blustering fool as he winds back his arm and lets stone fly - only to stop as the sound of a loud detonation fills the air, bristling. Was he trying to sabotage the very job he'd helped hire them for?!

Well, at least they know the enemy's got the aptitude to rig some powerful booby traps now.

Gears turn as she watches cubert move to investigate, puzzling out some way to turn this to their advantage. A thought occurs - if they're busy alert to the front, they might not be alert to the back. She turns to the others, leading them to some sort of vague cover before gesturing to the fort and then the group, and draws a half circle in the air before suddenly darting into the center.