[Marlick Bay]

Let's start with Benny, shall we?

He approaches the seal and will immediately be struck by the compulsion.

Forget why you are here.

Turn and leave, there is nothing of interest in this place.

Whether he manages to shake it off or no, that remains to be seen. His notes, thankfully, remain intact.

Selekhael and Anchor, meanwhile, power through the effect and descend into the place where the Saint slumbers. They'll arrive just in time to see Zoph smacking the awful thing with his sword. The blade cleaves into the creature, spilling alien blood. And as soon as he pulls the blade back to strike again-

-the wound is gone.

As if the universe had forgotten that the Saint had been injured at all.

The assault does not go unanswered.

Reality shifts as the power to dictate what is and is not is focused upon the paladin.

The Saint attempts to cause Zoph to forget how to breath.