Quote Originally Posted by ixrisor View Post
Q698 dispute

This is incorrect, despite the caster level and any decisions in the spell being set by the crafter of the potion:

Quote Originally Posted by D20 SRD
The drinker of a potion is both the effective target and the caster of the effect
As the drinker is the caster, share spells should work.
The drinker is the "effective caster of the effect", true. However, the Share Spells ability clearly specifies:

"any spell (but not any spell-like ability) she casts upon herself"

The drinker of a potion is not "casting a spell" himself, he's receiving a spell effect. The interpretation is contentious to what exactly "casting a spell" implies (and the ability specifically excludes spell-like ability, hinting it is already limited in scope). By a strict interpretation, only spells the master CAST himself are concerned, excluding every magical items.