[Main Office- Cornbread]

The man is just stunned. Bewildered.

This information was somehow very important, he just knew it.

How had he never heard of something like this? "Well, damn!" he exclaims. "We definitely need one of those. Two maybe. Hey, so uhh - what's the biggest you've ever, well, you know?" Dr. Valiance's face twitches as he mimes out a massive sandwich. It's probably not a very coherent gesture.

He was still very much out of it, and his enthusiasm was only making it harder for him to focus.

[Main Room - Larza]

Larza seems unconcerned with his reaction.

There were alternatives on the market, after all - this was just convenient.

The horrible little creature cracks her knuckles as she responds. "Weel, ye see, sur," she hisses, "nasty, no-nice girlie did me wrong, 'n' noo it's aboot time she git whit's comin' tae her!" Her strange, catlike eyes narrow. "Ah dinnae want ye tae murdurr her or nothing. Juist raucle her mucksome face up a tad, gaffer."

"Wilnae be cheapsome aboot it, na. Loads o' dosh. Ah even ken whaur she'll be!"