Quote Originally Posted by Boci View Post
And it won't feel wierd that half-orcs will make better wizards than high elves? Its fine if it won't for you, I'm just checking.
It weirds me out that halflings and gnomes are stronger than humans in featless games.

But in an AL context this move makes sense for WotC. I can view this as an AL-specific workaround for AL's mandatory point buy, which artificially narrowed the range of viable class/race combos, and this is opening it back up again. In an AL context it doesn't matter if halflings are stronger than humans because there's no AL-relevant difference between Str 17 and Str 16.

If you're rolling stats anyway though, this is a solution in search of a problem. You could already play that half-orc wizard with no loss of effectiveness, as soon as you rolled a 16+ for your stats, which is more than 50% of the time.