Quote Originally Posted by Razade View Post
I like some Grind when I'm in the mood. I didn't get to do three or four when they were new and the QoL that 5 brings in is just too much for me to go back to earlier games though I do have 4 on my Switch. I didn't care for 2 much but I really liked 5 a great deal. Love the general mechanics, love the goofy tone of some of the game and the attempt at giving a serious and heart felt story that's not gritty or grim. Disgaea 1's story is still a pretty good not-a-love story even if NIS has ridden its poor corpse to dust. It's not a game for everyone for sure. NIS has always been pretty niche. But ya know, people don't have to buy it if they don't care for it.
Oh, certainly, I didn't mean that as a criticism. More trying to express my appreciation for it despite the fact that I don't know if I'll be playing it any longer - and disappointment that I actually hit such a point, I suppose. Laharl and company were a lot of fun back in the day, and as much as 2 was weaker in terms of characters I did like Rozalin at least, and still enjoyed the game overall.