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Thread: Building a city

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Default Re: Building a city

    The 3 'C's: Coherent yet Compelling Collection of Locations.

    Coherency is whatever makes that locale have logical sense in your world.

    Compelling is what makes them interesting for Players to engage with their PCs.

    Collection is the tying thread, which is the organization thereof, such as City>District>Campus>Building, etc.

    You have a lot of leeway and methods to structure, but the above is the simplest self-questions to answer to get you on your way. Most of this needs to be Player-facing and GM-time-saving content, so less overthinking is more. Can you answer: does it feel needed?; does it feel interesting?; does it feel related to other nearby places?
    Last edited by opaopajr; 2020-09-18 at 08:24 AM.