Potential: 1/5
Spoiler: Labels
  • Freak: +2
  • Danger: -1
  • Savior: +2
  • Superior: +2
  • Mundane: -2

Spoiler: Moves
  • Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.
  • Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
    On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
    On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
    The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
    On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.
  • The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
    - What are they up to?
    - What or who do they most care about?
    - What allies do they have? Enemies?
    - Where and when can I find them?
    - How could I make them vulnerable to me?
    On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.
  • Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

More than a little distracted by what he’s hearing about the other sites that were hit, JigaWatt shakes his head.

"Love your moves, fam," he says to Fox, "but I swear, half the time I have no idea what you’re saying." He understands it’s the image that his teammate has going on, and he certainly understands the import of maintaining an image...he just wishes it was a little more...scrutable.

"I’m glad you’re all right," he goes on, shifting his attention to the other kid. "I didn’t expect you to jump in there like that, but it was a solid assist; thanks!" Gabby McStabby could quite potentially escaped his snare otherwise; unexpected assistance had certainly wrapped things up fairly neatly.

On their end, at least.

"What the hell happened?!" he bursts out, a wide-gesturing arm vaguely taking in ‘elsewhere’. "The League was supposed to be on top of those other targets; how could they have let this happen? They had all the data!"

It’s beginning to look like he’s going to have to admit he was wrong, and Fox’s paranoia is nothing of the sort; with the resources available to them, there’s no way the League should have dropped the ball like this, not if the Team had managed things with so little collateral fallout.

"Getting on top of things is a damn good idea," he agrees with...Void, he believes the stammering kid had called himself. Someone who the rest of his team is already somehow acquainted with, it seems. "Fox, you’ve got those poor people contained?" he adds, glancing first to Fox, then to the unfortunate third affected individual who did not react well to the...metapathogen.
