Filburn and Morevek begin to make good on their escape in earnest. For the most part, it seems they will do so unscathed, but one of the demonic assassins manages to make very good with its spear (Morevek takes a crit AoO for 35 damage). In the next moments, he weaves an incantation and is rewarded by the sudden floundering of all of the nearby demons. Only the recently exposed Derakni and the Mehraim (it was outside the area) seem to be acting with their full capabilities in the wake of the cascade of brilliant particles.

Elrembriel calls down a storm of sleet between Areelu and her prey, for the moment separating Waylan and Aurora from the demons. As the pair hobbles wearily away, the earth begins to tear and heave in front of them. With a great screech, the firmaments of the abyss shatter into the air, revealing a huge (mechanically) demon, perhaps as much as twenty feet tall between themselves and the portal.
Spoiler: The glabrezu
With a sudden cry, Queen Galfrey steps into the Abyss. Eyes aglow with righteous fury, her voice cuts through the din, "I think not, fiend!" Her sword, likewise ablaze, draws all eyes (at least those who can see past the blizzard) to her, as she raises it against the newfound threat.

For the moment, the demon recognizes her as the greater threat, and turns its attention away from the fleeing Aurora and Waylan. It hammers down its heavy pincers on Galfrey, who avoids one and takes another on her shield- the impact driving her gauntlets two full inches into the semi-stone floor. She responds in kind, drawing a gruesome gash of thick black ichor from the creature's muscled midsection. It takes a moment, but she manages to drive the demon off to one side. There's no way to avoid the glabrezu's reach, but at least his focus is diverted.

The derakni fly forward, out of the sleet storm, unleashing a mesmerizing drone. Like a hideous, contra-bass locust swarm, the vibrations creep through the ground, your armor, the air and everything else, drowning out your thoughts.
Spoiler: Unfortunate things result
Morevek passed his saves, and is immune to the confusion effect of these demons. He gets an AoO on the one that flew past him and landed beside Filburn.
Waylan failed one. He must spend this turn "dealing 1d8+ str (lol) damage to himself with an item in hand. He will act normally not this round, but next.
Filburn failed one. He does nothing but babble incoherently this turn, and can act as normal afterward.
Elrembriel was out of range of the effect, for now.
One of the two locust demons lands adjacent to Filburn and stings him for (11 damage). The other stays airborne, and fires a sickly ray at Elrembriel. She "gains" 3 negative levels.

Finally, Areelu Vorlesh flies clear of the sleet storm, and smirks as she looks down on the madness. "Delicious," she purrs, as she spreads her arms wide in an arcane gesture. (Morevek and Waylan take 4 nonlethal damage and are sickened. Filburn saved.)