Isandra let out a sigh at Sirian's proclamation. She'd hoped things wouldn't get complicated like this quite this early. "Thanks for telling me." She considered adding more, but then let it go. This wasn't the time for wild speculation, nor was it the time to go running off. She accompanied Reia back to the cottage, not because she believed that she could do anything to help her find out more, but because there where some things she wanted to have close to hand before resuming her self-imposed tasks of digging the graves.

In the cottage she retrieved two packages from her resting place, one a formless shape wrapped in cloth, that let out a high noise of metal moving over metal as she threw at across one shoulder, and the other a massive greatsword in an old but well maintained leather scabbard. She'd been gifted both by one of her uncles years ago, and had practiced plenty with the blade, having become familiar with all its little quirks.

Blade and armor retrieved, she headed back to the tree and placed them against the trunk, out of the way of ehr work, but within easy reach. She then continued with her digging, but now in silence, with plenty of short breaks to look down the slope to watch for anyone approaching the cottage.

Spoiler: Spot check
