Quote Originally Posted by tomandtish View Post
Spoiler: Brief Cases
Molly can't have sex (at a minimum no intercourse, and possibly nothing). Is it just me or does this throw what Maeve offered Harry into a whole new light?
Spoilered because the question was.

Spoiler: Maeve
Not particularly. Harry was getting warned constantly that people would be looking to trip him up so they could legally gut him. Maeve taking him out via whatever her mantle's self-defense condition is would have just been chalked up to that. "Shame about the Winter Knight, if only he'd been more of a gentleman."

Spoiler: Battle Grounds
On one hand, fully expected to lose Murphy. On the other hand, didn't quite expect her to lose her like this. On the octokong's hand, I think it actually makes a certain kind of sense. Killing Murphy in a fight might have actually robbed some of the drama from it. We've been steadily watching her lose ground to the rest of the cast, but she didn't quite have Michael's willingness to hang up the sword. Whereas this actually gives a bit more punch to us finally losing her.