Sure enough, as the sky once more filled with the golden glow of Summer's full light, and the sky turned from reds and oranges to brilliant blue, the clamor of commerce once more filled the city. Bakeries opening up their doors, open air market places buzzing to life, streetside merchants shouting over one another for their wares to be heard. Near the north gate of Litha was one such market, filled with fair folk selling odds and ends. One stall promised sweet cakes, drizzled with an icing made with auroch's milk. Another boasted of fine arms and armor, stolen from smiths in the Gray. Yet a third offered to exchange items of power for memories, old and new.

Looking about, Hulwen noted several groups that looked like they were packing up and making ready to head north. Three stood out to the newly minted Summer Prince. A pair of Satyr stood arguing in front of a small mobile stall, whose wooden sign proclaimed it to be "Kostis and Antonis' Fine Meats". A trio of Kenku were loading up the last of a pile of scrolls and books onto a floating palanquin hitched to a jet black pegasus. Squatting atop the carefully calligraphed sign which read "Ornifex's Tales, Histories, and Curiosities" was a large crow, whose baleful eyes never left the three Kenku. Last, sitting at the front of a wagon with no sign, a Fossegrim absentmindedly strummed a small harp. Hitched to his wagon was a horrifying abomination, the upper torso of a humanoid growing from the back of a horse. The whole thing was skinned, bare muscles and veins exposed to the summer air. A Nuckelavee, which must be bound by powerful magics.

Of course, plenty of other merchants made preparations in the market square, and there appeared to be a stable where Hulwen might purchase a mount, should he want to make his journey on his own.