New Arrivals - Leis

This Spooktober, there's someone new among the various guests! A female tiefling steps out of her Tanaka Corolla and closes the door behind her, fiddling with the key fob and giving the party a cursory glance. She's rather petite, maybe only a couple inches over five feet, with soft crimson skin and somewhat Mediterranean features.

She's dressed up for Spooktober as a vampire, complete with the requisite collared cape and fake fangs, high heels and the black suit of her costume does an adequate job of highlighting what pleasant curves she has. The shape of the collar is a little odd though, as it seems she has a certain vampire in mind; there's a lilac mask pulled up over wavy hair, modeled in the shape of a grinning face with a large nose and a monocle.

Leis's serpentine tail waves behind her as she steps out into Spooktober, glancing about and showing a remarkable proficiency of walking in high heels. She doesn't really recognize anyone here from work, but maybe she'll make a few friends.