Quote Originally Posted by JeenLeen View Post

I wonder if the head-exploder is working for Vought. It makes sense they would, due to killing the first person we see them kill, but it is bad optics for Homelander and Stormfront that they were useless and just standing around as people explode. And we see at least one cape die... though I'm sure Vought would be willing to sacrifice some B-rank supes to have deniability about leading the attack.

I also really like that Hughie and Lamplighter doing the rescue wasn't utterly stupid, in end results. Yes, it was stupid in itself; Lamplighter could redeem himself way better by actually doing something useful. But it saved Starlight, maybe killed Black Noir (I'm hopeful, but reckon he survived), got Starlight to know Maeve is at least a little trustworthy, and Lamplighter would have head-exploded anyway so no major loss witness-wise. Well, I guess that doctor would still be alive if Lamplighter were around...

But, besides that, it was nice that the sentimental-stupid move by Hughie didn't wind up being actually stupid in the end.

I have friends that think it's the work of the church somehow, because of taking out A-train's replacement.

I think it's something else. I watched that scene twice, and I'm pretty sure it's just people visible from the windows. IE, the attacker isn't in the room. If it's the head-exploding supe who escaped from Vought's hospital, she might be pretty annoyed at Vought, and picked the hearing as a place where she knew she could get to those in charge.

Not sure if the head exploding could even affect Stormfront/Homelander, though. They're pretty tough.

It could be Vought, but it feels unsubtle by their standards. They don't mind general jerkishness, but they usually keep PR in mind at all times, and the PR fallout from this will be a mess. Also, it seems clear that Homelander has no idea what's happening, same for Minnie, etc. It could be someone working for Vought, I guess, but if so, that person probably has their own motives, and not all of Vought is in on it. Stormfront is the only one present that's a maybe there.