Hello again, Playground. I've been absent from the site for a few years after I had to drop online games to focus on my graduate studies. Now that I have a job and am settled, I am hoping to get back into it.

For my style of play, I enjoy more narrative or exploration-based games than min-maxing for combat encounters or straight dungeon crawls. I know some people like the arcadey feel of these dungeons and get a feeling of satisfaction in finetuning characters to do something as efficiently as possible, but I admit that my grasp of mechanics is weaker and so I prefer encounters that are a little more "forgiving". I find story consequences more interesting and engaging than whose numbers are bigger. I see the system as a tool to implement some uncertainty and risk into the storytelling, not as a means unto itself.

As far as systems go, I am pretty familiar with Pathfinder 1.0 and D&D 3.5e. I have heard good things about 5e and would love to try it, but I feel apprehensive about tripping over the rules and would love a DM that can help guide me into the basics of the new system. "Baby's first dungeon" in 5e would be perfectly acceptable in my book. I have played a little bit of Dungeon World as well on the lighter mechanics side.

If you need somebody to help test your homebrew setting or have a different gameplay model for a game idea you've been thinking up, I'm your guy. I can do PBP, but I also have Discord and would be willing to either use it for OOC chatter to facilitate the game or just run it there completely.

Please message me if you would be willing to take on the role of DM. I guarantee that I will at least hear you out. If you've read this far, thank you for your time.