On the walk to the workshop, Ludo hung back a little to speak to Petra in Mootlandish.

<"We're not mentioning that the woman mentioned the principessa just yet,"> he explained in a low voice. <"I think Sforza would have trouble believing it. It'll... we'll bring it up when needed.">


"Not for long," Ludo said, distracted to see Elsa so dishevelled and in such conditions. It gave him an odd pang of sympathy for Klammenberg, who they had done much the same to. "In fact, perhaps you'd better wait outside."

Whether Odo and Petra left or not, Ludo stepped forwards and, after recieving permission from his guard, removed Elsa's gag, followed by Tatiana's. "Elsa... They told me what had happened. I can't believe..."

He steadied himself. "We were ambushed on the road, by the Falcons. They were sent to stop me getting here... Adelbert's dead, Elsa. They killed him."