Assorted Preteens

Cheasadh frowns at Khannie. "I know what candy is. A catch-all term for chocolate and sweets that aren't chocolate. I was saying that if the vegetables are sweet, they might have been put down for that reason. They're like candy, maybe." It was a treat, back on the farm, having chocolate or sweets. Mostly fruit, apples and limes. And although there was bad parenting going on, it wasn't depriving her totally of sweet things.

But she smiles as she's handed brownies. "Thank you, Khannie." She'll hand one to Pookie, who is already sticky, who eats it with enjoyment. Although the little bear thinks it would have been better made with honey, rather than chocolate.

Omiko & Jack

"I'm not sure you could. I'm a shapeshifter, and my other form doesn't have fingers. And it was bitten off by a faerie, that might have had an impact too." Since faeries are tricksy creatures, Jack wouldn't put it past the one that bit her finger off to have ensured she couldn't replace it. I don't think it did, but I'm not sure.

"I'm Jack, pleased to meet you." She smiles, and raises her hand. She demonstrates her shapeshifting by growing feathers along her hand, so that becomes a wing.