[What's up, Buttercup?]

"Damnation. Being unable to help directly VEXES me so. One as NOBLE and DARING as myself isn't meant for the sidelines. I- Wowie! Those butterflies are pretty! Hehehe!"

Buttercup tries wandering off as two large yellow and black striped butterflies flutter past, but thankfully Spako is able to keep her on task.

"Aaww... bye butterfly friends!"

Sir Rebonack is probably going to be really embarrassed about this later once he's Sir Rebonack again.

"Well... things had been pretty peaceful lately... so I decided to help at one of Inside's community gardens to get ready for the Spooktober festival," Buttercup recounts. She DOES like doing community service when not on otherwise dangerous missions to RIGHT INJUSTICE and RESCUE THE INNOCENT. "And then a friend named Buttercup came over and she called me Buttercup and we got to talking and she called me Buttercup again and we kept talking and then she called me Buttercup AGAIN and I was Buttercup-shaped! There was a girl who could turn into a dragon with her. Then we did some frolicking together and she left to go make more friends named Buttercup. And... well... I thought that sounded like maybe a mean idea so I stayed behind and finished the garden work."

Buttercup frowns as they approach her quarters.

"Then I went home. I had my armor there, all put together. And it wasn't Buttercup-shaped AT ALL. And thinking about that made my thoughts all fuzzy and I realized something bad was happening so I tried calling VIGIL but that didn't work so I came here instead and frolicked some more! Frolicking is a lot more fun if you do it with someone else."

Very true. Frolicking alone is okay but frolicking with friends is the BEST!

"Oh! I like it when you call my Buttercup, it makes my thinky-thoughts less fizzy."

A beat.

"No, I mean when you call me Buttercup."

A hoof-stomp of frustration.

"Yowie zowie, you know what I mean!"