Kinita's voices says, echoing all around them, she has turned invisible.
"Why does it always come back to that with you villains? Why do people need to make hierarchies? Place some above others? I never get it. Why can't people just be people? I don't want to be superior to anyone. I just want to live and let live. Your hierarchy wouldn't be any better or different than any other. Culture, religion, economics, politics....its all just hierarchies causing suffering to those at the bottom for the sake of their creation and perpetuation. You just want to make another one. I say? they're just chains we need to break."
She will attempt to pick up Charlotte and turn her invisible as well to get her out of there.
"And your still abusing a child! I can't let that happen!"
She stands between Charlotte and the man keeping her shielding up and her spear pointed forward as her hydra heads try to bite and snap at him.