Quote Originally Posted by noob View Post
See real languages: a lot of the content of the sentence is not within the sentence itself but within the interpretation of it and multiple people interpreting it will often have different results.
Why: because the amount of information people wants to transfer is often huger than just the words they write.
Language evolves to be fast to use because of people wanting to communicate fast and not make a lot of effort transferring information to people who are able to think to interpret their sentences.
If people had to specify their emotional context, the political context of their country and the specificities of the expressions they usually use then had to write dozens of extremely accurate sentences just to transfer the amount of information they transfer today in a single sentence then people would just skip as many steps of that as they can.
It is like how people say "it is silly that in dnd by raw you can say an infinity of sentences in six seconds" no they are just misinterpreting what the people writing the book meant: they did not intend that to happen but that information is not written in clear in the book because it is way too much of a chore to write what they exactly wanted to say.

Making a language that would make impossible the enunciation of things without describing all the information intended or needing to be transferred in detail would at the very least make communication much slower and harder and it might also make it out of reach of people not smart enough to know exactly everything that needs to be told to make the message contain all the information needed to be understood regardless of what the targeted individual knows about you or the untold things about your subject.

Real life languages are imperfect in the way that someone who have no knowledge about you or of what you are talking about might be unable to understand despite knowing the same language but most people are able to understand thanks to the fact they are able to think and reach conclusions about the said sentences and the fact that most people acquire over time a lot of knowledge helping them to understand through communicating with people and thinking about the communications they had consciously or unconsciously.
See my previous response.