Xanthia has spent much of the post battle in a bit of a daze. While she was no stranger to combat, the lessons in Schola making sure to cover such things even to those destined for the battlefield between the ledgers such as herself, she had never been in a real fight or been the target of one. Unless you count that time another adept had challenged her for her desk when she spent a year working at this one planet, but the paper work was still going through on that.

Letting out a sigh, she joined the others as she placed an order down for a cup of whatever the closest thing to recaf they had here, before joining with the group and sitting quietly. “Aaah, just as we suspected. A clever means of avoiding detection, with only the surface to worry about. Are there any known methods of crossing the wastes available to The stout Milletman? And if not, perhaps a means Is possessed by another faction, maybe the one in charge of transportation?“ Xanthia inquires, running her brain over the possibilities.

She also looked over the four men, and was already assigning their crimes. Conspiracy against an imperial agent, aiding the act of smuggling, attempt at murder, attempted murder of an imperial agent, damaging public property, damaging an imperial agents equipment, and many more. The thought of turning them into local law came to her, but the possible corruption in the local command may see them escape judgment. She would bring it up when not near am concerned and loyal citizen.