The gangster stumbles onto his knees beside the still retching Gabe. Still gagged, the boy moans softly, perhaps in too much pain to fight anymore. Gabe looks up wet pile of yellow bile that his body has rejected, his eyes suddenly fixing on the mortal. The Kindred in the room can easily recognize the primal urges now glowing in Gabe's dark eyes as hunger and instinct take over. Nearby, Aisling coos from her kneeling position as she watches the Fledgeling with delighted interest. A hungry grin spreads on her impish face.

Gabe falls upon the restrained boy, knocking him onto his side before bringing mouth to throat. Perhaps it is old habits dying hard, or perhaps his fangs have not fully grown in, as Gabe seems to bite and chew at the now screaming gangster. A low and bestial growl rises in Gabe's throat as he attacks. He seems to struggle to find a vessel, or perhaps the action is intentional, as he leaves rounded double bite marks over and over again in the soft of the kid's neck, creating trickling pools of blood that begin to comingle with the sticky yellow vomit.

Finally, mercifully, Gabe seems to find a stream to feed from, clamping his mouth tight as he instinctively pulls the boy towards him. Gabe feeds and feeds and feeds.

(OOC: Anyone gonna stop him from killing?)