Did anyone have any problems with the House Elves in Harry Potter? Because Gully Dwarves aren't that much different. Actually, I'd say Gully Dwarves are more respectable considering they actually have the willpower to actively resist those oppressing them, and to actually win in doing so.
I had a problem with Hermione's interactions with them. House elves are intelligent creatures specifically created to be slaves, which is abhorrent in my eyes. Hermione attempted to "rescue" them, but went about it the wrong way and made things worse. So far as I can see, there was never a time when she tried to understand house elves or thought about how to make things better. Instead, she did what she thought was right without regard for the people she was "helping", which to my mind was a pretty good expression of Wizard Privilege. Afterwards, she seems to have forgotten all about it. As if her entire effort was less about improving the lot of house elves and more about making herself feel good.


Brian P.