Turning to follow Kellon, Gweyir strides out of the room in his tow. Spider crawls over to Anton's borrowed desk and lifts up to peek at what he's doing, an identification sigil in progress around one of the journals.

The door to the next room opens up, revealing the wide open tile floor of the ballroom. All of the furnishings are around the edge, wooden chairs with blue cushions arrayed beneath painted figures on the walls, dancing and playing instruments. About half of the figures have no flesh upon their bones, painted forms of skeletal merrymakers.

Two large instruments adorn the room. An old, but well maintained harpsichord and a tall standing harp. At the back end of the room is another fireplace. To the right of the fireplace is a silver flagpole, adorned with a flag. There are four colored squares, red on the top right and bottom left, purple on the bottom right and top left. In the center where they intersect is a simplistic figure of a raven.

The flagpole itself, on closer inspection, is a spear set into a stand on the floor. The head of the spear is not very sharp, but could be sharpened again with a whetstone. As it is, it is perhaps better called a silver club.

"Think they had the 'guests' dance with them here, before they dragged them down to the basement?" Gweyir asks in a disdainful voice.