Haunted houses, restless spirits, and blood cultists were one thing, but the world that Anton describes is... not just merely an authoritarian dream worthy of Hell. It is a world of madness masquerading as control. And the idea of intentionally leading people away from the gods... There is irreverence, there is blasphemy, and then there is downright apostasy!!! Kellon grips his spear tightly to restrain his outburst, like a black thunderhead waiting to unleash its cargo of lightning.

Finally, Kellon can only sigh in sadness. "I suppose that they also plan to leash the tides, quash the waves, and shush the wind. What folly... You are right, Anton. Nature cannot be contained in such a way. All the artifice of man cannot compare to the sheer raw power of the elements themselves. There is no wall too high for the ocean, no way to fight the tides. I fear what will happen for the people of 'Europe'..." With a snort of disgust, Kellon concludes, "All we can ever do is be responsible for ourselves, for our own survival. Deal with the tide as it comes. Speaking of which, I suppose we should get on with the business of living... and scouring this den of evil." He makes his way to the room to the right, expecting to see the kitchen.