[Jade's Lair]

Wicke smiles, but shakes his head.
"No, my dear. I can assure you that the history of Walter and Willa Gallope is a long history of saying 'Hit me, I can take it' and then being unable to take it. We didn't ask for most of what we got, because we were always too proud, too arrogant, or too stupid to be able to ask for what we really wanted, or to learn to stop trusting beings that can rewrite us at will. I'm not saying you shouldn't want to help. It's a very commendable trait. But I can assure you, I could have walked away at no less than five points on the road that got me here. And Willa and I used to be the same person; that is a long one to explain." Wicke that is not nearly as uncommon a trait as you think it is.
He waves a hand.
"Besides, Jade is right. I saved up all my godly energies to solve you and Jade's problems. If I threw away my powers before I did that it would be like buying vegetables and then letting them rot in the fridge. Just a big waste. There's no reason I can't do all of these things if it's in the right order."