[Jade's Lair]

Wicke doesn't point out that he literally just said that the groundwater is salty. That would be rude. But he thinks it for a split second. And then it is gone. Just another plant enthusiast. No need to judge among friends.
"Well we better hope no one in the neighborhood comes by with an old fashioned rake to help out the new park. It's mostly plastic nowadays anyway with a shrug. But I think I can do something about seeds."
There are some things that come naturally to all aspects of W. As he said before, making plants grow is one of the thing that's not even a blip to the miracle energy Wicke so carefully counts. And oh look, that's just what they're doing!
Wicke stands in the exact center of the tiny little park and stamps a hind hoof firmly into the ground. Left behind in the soil after he pulls away is a perfect hoofprint. It's a subtle thing. Like someone left out a scented candle. But by (this) god, this park is going to grow, rain or shine. Water or no, wind or no, sun or no, there will be healthy plants here by Autumn's end.
"There. Like any good farmwork, these things take time." he tells them cheerily.