Miri's Haunted Attic

Now there's no noise from rats to distract him, Arron tries to get to the source of the whispering. He identifies it, and tries to remove the cover. It... Seems to have gotten louder after he killed all the vermin sharing the attic, which isn't great. Hopefully it's just that there's less noises to distract him.

Sekhmet's Cabin

"Slavery, I think. To get some of the money they'd loaned her back. Not sure where they'd sell her, though. It's super illegal in Inside, and the same goes for Riverside. Might be easier to find a buyer there, but... Skyside's easier still, it's legal there and that's where all the slavers are based. Maybe somewhere else, New Inside maybe. It gives us an advantage, to get her to Skyside they can't use Riftline. The trains don't take kindly to anyone trying to smuggle anything, and they're the fastest way between the cities. We could go find her in Skyside, hang out at the docks looking for her, but we'd attract attention. That might not be great. I'm going to head over; you contact Prumathe, see if we can all put our heads together and come up with a plan." Sekhmet might know some people that can look for her without attracting too much attention to themselves, but... Skyside's a risky place to go.