Sean Pires

"A whole boar is probably more than we will be able to carry, but we will be able to take some of it, maybe most, and that's better than nothing. I wouldn't waste a bullet, though. Not because of it's greater trade value - the meat would worth more, but because of the opportunity costs of not having a bullet for the next rabid bear or what not. I'll try to take one with the crossbow, hopefully scaring the rest."

Sean leaves the backpack on the ground, loads the crossbow, then observes the boars for some time. After which he puts on the skis, takes a whistle out of a pocket and puts it in his mouth, takes the spear and the loaded crossbow and tries to sneak upon the boars to have a clear shot. He intends to put the spear down and shoot at the nearest boar if he can get close enough.

Sean would propose the others to cover him from some distance in case these boars turn out to be agressive only if they are expected to be unaffected by the snow.