The click of a mechanism can be heard, as Gustav slides a stone into the wall. A grinding of stone on stone as the wall begins to pull apart, forming a jagged opening like the jaws of some beast. Beyond is the chamber on the other side of the portcullis. Much of the room is drowned in murky waist-deep water, save for the stone ledge around the edges and a raised stone dais at the center. The moment the screeching of the secret door ends, so too does the ominous chanting from within.

Featureless stone pillars hold up the ceiling of the large chamber, and its acoustics echo each drop of dripping water. The central dais is decorated with images of hideous, grasping ghouls, reaching up towards a central altar. Stained trails cover the alter and spider across the surface of the dais towards the water, left behind by old blood. Above the altar dangle old rusty chains and manacles.

To the right, there is a small alcove. Its walls and ceiling are natural earth, rather than shaped stone. Within is a reeking pile of discarded flesh and bone, covered in the fungus and decay that have taken root in it. All that remains of the cult's victims. To the left is the portcullis, and a wooden crank wheel set into the wall to operate it, somewhat akin to a sideways ship's wheel.

Gustav steps out into the water, approaching the central dais. As he does, figures begin to appear one by one around the edges of the room. They flicker in and out of existence as if by some unknowable pattern, each a tall figure in dark robes, holding what appears to be a tall, staff-sized torch. But where a mundane torch would shed light, these flames are black as void, as if sucking in light itself.

The chanting resumes, echoing and bouncing from wall to wall. But the words now are different. "One must die. One must die. One must die. One must die!" They begin pounding their torches upon the stone in a rhythmic thump to the tune of their chanting.